Organic farming on the rise in the UK

Data released by Defra has revealed that land going through the two-year conversion period to organic rose by 34% in 2021, compared to the previous year. UK organic land also rose by 3.6% last year, following a rise of 0.8% in

Valencia fourth region in Spanish organic agriculture

Over the past five years, organic farming in Valencia has grown by 81.2%. This percentage of growth is the highest of all Spain, and has even surpassed the Spanish average, which is currently 20.7%. The region has seen a huge

Italy second world exporter of organic food behind US

Sales of Italian organic food products on international markets will reach 2.9 billion euros at the end of 2021, recording an 11% growth compared to 2020, in line with the trend of Italian agri-food exports as a whole. Growth in

Italy plays the leading role in organic European vineyard

In Italy almost 19% of the vineyards is grown organically. In 2020, four out of 100 bottles of wine produced in Italy were organic. The Ministry of Agriculture has promoted a report on the organic wine chain, carried out by ISMEA

In 2050, organic will feed Europe

In 2050, organic farming could be able to feed the entire European population, which could reach 600 million people. This is the conclusion of a study entitled “Reshaping the European agro-food system”, carried out in France by the CNRS, the National

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