Reflecting no longer enough, we need a campaign for organic prices

Antonio Felice

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From the observatory of Biofach 2024, the Nuremberg trade fair that ended on Friday 16th February, the organic world certainly looks less successful than years ago, but it is not depressed. Actually, there is an auspicious hold on 2022 after the boom during the Covid years. In Italy, month-on-month Nielsen data show a recovery at the end of 2023 and in January 2024.

If we focus on data only it is hard to be optimistic, but what was felt at Biofach is that the critical period is passing. Massimo Monti, General Manager of the leading Italian brand, Alce Nero, present in Nuremberg with a large contingent of sales force, points out: “Yes, there is resilience. In some foreign countries, starting with Japan, we are even registering a slight growth”.
Despite the general unexciting atmosphere, Monti, and not only him, is confident that the pessimism of the 2023 edition has been overcome at Biofach 2024: “There have been many contacts, there have been quality presences, and there is a desire to react and relaunch. Exhibitor numbers show a decline and perhaps visitor numbers as well, but there is an auspicious liveliness”.

However, there is an underlying problem that persists and that affects everyone and everything (consumption included): the price.
The large-scale retail trade, in general, is depressing organic at price level, almost equating it to the conventional food even though the upstream costs, for producers, are higher. The large-scale retail trade, after having brought organic products to the top with its private labels, is not helping during this phase. It is not enough to reflect on organic prices anymore: it is necessary to have a campaign that makes the voice of organic production heard loud and clear in favour of prices that allow organic to move forward and get back on track.

Antonio Felice

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