Salumificio Pedrazzoli cured meats from black Iberian pork at Biofach


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Salumificio Pedrazzoli’s Montanera project made its debut at Biofach, with the world premiere tasting of the shoulder of Iberian pork, bred in the wild and processed in Italy, at Pedrazzoli’s plant in San Giovanni del Dosso, in the province of Mantua. A high-range organic product, preservative-free and gluten-free, result of the collaboration of the Italian charcuterie with a farmer from Extremadura, on the border between Spain and Portugal, a truly unique area in the world for the production of the Iberian black pork organically reared in the wild, a pig that is exclusively fed with acorns and fresh grass during the last six months of its life.

Since a little more than a year, Pedrazzoli has been present on the market with three organic products derived from Spanish black pigs reared in the wild: bacon, loin and salami, and in a year this range will be completed with the debut on the market of a ham on whose high quality there are great expectations.

“We have already been breeding pigs in a semi-freedom state in Italy for some time – Elisa Pedrazzoli explains in Nuremberg – and we were curious to compare our breeding and production methods with those practised in Spain. Two years ago, my brother Emanuele Pedrazzoli went to Extremadura and from that trip was born the collaboration that led us to believe in this project, which confirms the originality of our company and our ability to propose special products to the market, which combine a great tradition with the ability to innovate”.

Salumificio Pedrazzoli

The company Salumificio Pedrazzoli was founded in 1951 and today produces 80% organic and 20% traditional Italian speciality cured meats. The sales channels are specialised shops with 60% of sales and restaurants with the remaining 40%. 60% of production is exported. This explains the company’s participation in Biofach also this year. “Organic is a segment made up of relationships – says Elisa Pedrazzoli – so we accepted the challenge to participate in the fair even in this unusual period, after two singular years that saw a boom in specialised shops and a crisis in restaurants, while today we are witnessing a reversal of the situation, with people wanting to recover their freedom to go out, to eat at restaurants”. (a.f.)

In the picture, Mrs. Elisa Pedrazzoli with the daugther Giulia at Biofach 2022

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