Ernesto Fornari from Apofruit: “It’s time for strategic choices”

ernesto Fornari

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The EU does not deny the “From Farm to Fork” strategy. The goal has not changed. In slightly more than seven years, the Union aims to reach 25% of organic farmland. Therefore, organic production will have to grow very rapidly throughout the EU, at least in terms of cultivated agricultural area. However, the current problems of increased energy costs, the war in Ukraine, the inflation, and the climate changes, generate a situation of uncertainty that is having an impact on consumption.

Ernesto Fornari, General Manager of Apofruit, mentioned the above at the event organized within the European IT’s Bio project “Organic is value and sustainability” that took place on September 20th 2022 in Bologna. “Our group – Fornari recalled – between Canova and Apofruit has a turnover of over 100M of Euros in organic fruit and vegetable sales. Organic production is a vocation and specialization of our associates that makes us a leader in Europe”.

Fornari warned the large-scale retail trade: “I want it to be clear that the strategy that will be decided today by the large-scale retailers for the organic sector and the organic producers will determine the future of this sector in Italy and abroad. If the organic sector goes back to the Indian reserve, reducing the options to choose from, and avoiding the less popular products, the offer to the consumer will be reduced and the sector won’t obtain good results. The organic sector will survive only if offered to the customers in the right way and at reasonable prices. This is the time to set out clearly the value of organic, and put into practice what it hasn’t been done yet.”

In the photo, Mr. Ernesto Fornari

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